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Glitch Patterns

2016, 2021
Creative coding, plant samples
Dimensions variable

In the same manner as cross-species viruses can challenge the barrier between human and nonhuman animals, the series Glitch, Noise, Mutation (2015 - ongoing) speculates the emergence of intermedial viruses as a vital tool that can make the boundary between the computational and biological more fluid and can open up new possible forms of being.


When Eugene Thacker (2004) analyzes biomedia, he addresses a sort of “fundamental equivalency” between the genetic and computational codes that renders biological and digital domains interchangeable - in terms of materials and functions. In response to such new configurations of biology and technology, the series explores digitally glitched images of animals and plants to create a speculative reality where a glitch in a computer can lead to a mutation in a living organism. These creative coding practices question the current machine-organism interface and the mediation of the biological body.

Frank Cong’s Glitch, Noise, Mutation (2015 - ongoing) series now consists of:

Intermedial Infection (2015 - 2016)

Glitch Patterns (2016, 2021)

Out of Control (2018), a curatorial project

Glitch Patterns (2016)

Research Journal

© 2023 by Frank Cong

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