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The Young Family (2002).tiff
The Young Family (2002), by Patricia Piccinini, case study reference in the course

Moist Media II: Bio-ethics through Speculative Lenses

​Office Hours:
Roy Ascott Studio, School of New Media Art, Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts
Frank Cong
Spring 2021 - 2023
4 hours / week, 9 weeks / semester
12F Moist Media Lab, DeTao Masters Academy
Moist Media I; Cybernetics I, II & III
Wednesdays, 13:00 - 17:00 (CST), by appointmen
2nd/3rd Year BFA

Course Overview

Moist Media II: Bio-ethics through Speculative Lenses is the second course of Moist Media series designed by Frank Cong. This course focuses on ethical implications for artistic practices that involve living organisms and/or nonhuman species and helps students develop a critical view on their own moist media practice.


The lectures and readings introduce students to important bioethical arguments concerning human cloning, human enhancement, and human-nonhuman chimeras in the post-human culture(by Cary Wolfe, María Puig de la Bellacasa, Leon Kass, Jason Scott Robert, Françoise Baylis, etc.). The course also discusses speculative/hyperrealist works (by Sputniko!, Ai Hasegawa, Patricia Piccinini, etc.) and analyzes how the artists and designers craft artifacts and scenarios to stimulate public discourses about the social and ethical implications of emerging biotechnologies. Throughout the lectures, discussions, and workshops, student groups should develop their research projects that are manageable within one semester and have potential for future investigation. The final submission includes a collaborative project from each student group and an individual research journal from each group member.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand enhanced humans, hybrids, and chimeras in cultural, natural, and technological contexts

  • Understand key ethical arguments concerning human cloning, human enhancement, and human-nonhuman chimeras

  • Know concepts of ableism, speciesism, and anthropocentrism

  • Learn speculative design / design fiction as an investigative approach

  • Develop theoretical and hands-on practice related to project conceptualization, research, and development methods

Student Projects (2021 - 2022)

Chimera (2021), by Chen Bing, Bu Kangwen, Liu Sichen, Liu Shilin, and Wang Xiaoxiao
Syber City News (2022), by Jin Yingying, Xu Qianyi, and Zheng Anwen
Di Shi (2022), by Xiang Yan, Xi Bolong, and Zheng Yuxuan
DNA32088 (2022), by Fan Wenyi, Xie Aoyun, and Zhu Yuheng
Escape the Clone Factory (2022), by Li Ziyi, Yu Yang, and Qin Keying